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Give Me a Price
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Categories: Experiences and daily life; Human nature; Commerce and business

Word count/read time: 441 words; 2 minutes

Vacations bring the opportunity to explore new areas and hopefully find some deals. I don't often spend time searching stores in another country - in this case our northern compatriot Canada - so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. It ended up being a bust as far as buying silver or other useful collectibles but it did have its entertaining moments.

One such store, a pawn shop/antiques/collectibles place was closing down. As I walked through the door, the curmudgeonly and condescending owner mentioned to ask for a price as his lame way of attempting a greeting. And mentioned that everything was negotiable. Further, the signs placed all over said to ask for a price if you saw something you liked. Not a single price tag was visible anywhere.

The owner of 50+ years said it was the oldest licensed second-hand store in Toronto area. His inventory was way over-stocked...there'd be NO way he was gonna sell everything even if he stayed open for another half century!

There was an OK selection of sterling silver items and I asked to look at a random grouping of mirrors and brushes. Naturally, I asked for the prices. He said he wanted the highest price he could get. Really, Captain Obvious?! So I asked for a price again. This went on for a few exchanges yet he refused to answer with a number. It was every non-answer excuse known to man. In any case, I ended up walking out empty-handed and wondering what his problem was. A very bitter, angry old man was the only explanation.

This went on for a few exchanges yet he refused to answer with a number.
It'd be one thing if it was a yard sale or temporary kiosk, i.e. a "non-professional" and the person had so much stuff that they couldn't possibly have priced each item. Still, I have never encountered someone so loath to be a responsible seller and answer a simple, the most simple, question about selling an item: How much? He's been doing this longer than I've been alive and certainly had the wherewithal to know (when) he needed to start the negotiations with an actual number, not a nebulous rambling.

I am somewhat guilty of this but not as insidious. The price of silver rapidly fluctuates and so do the prices of my precious metal items. It is not possible to re-price thousands of items each show so I have a master list that is available for everyone to see. All the prices are known but some are not shown on the actual item. It's not always a case of "If you have to ask it's too expensive" though my collection of gold chains might make you think twice.

Posted by M: July 21, 2024

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