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Reward Yourself with Jewelry
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Categories: Experiences and daily life; Jewelry

Word count/read time: 328 words; 1-1/2 minutes

The last things that warrant attention during a crisis are the unnecessary or non-essential ones. Luxury items as they're sometimes called. Unless you have an unlimited budget, that would include things like art, jewelry, properties, and powered vehicles of all descriptions.

Reports of job losses and economic turmoil from the pandemic are true. The economic stimulus via unemployment and emergency money has increased the average person's income. It's not an incentive to eagerly await the next pandemic. We got lucky this time around all things considered.

In the mean time, the "pay increase" coupled with less spending on things like gas, going out to eat, and other discretionary spending might leave a little extra for splurging...on what would be considered luxury items.

A fine piece of jewelry is an investment in your appearance that will last a lifetime.
That flatscreen TV is on sale; they're made so poorly and with planned obsolescence it'll go kaput in two years. Give fast fashion a few weeks and it'll be a tossaway rag. Toys are whims of the moment. Maybe it's better to spend this money on memories instead of things, no?

However, a fine piece of jewelry is an investment in your appearance that will last a lifetime. Elegant pieces are timeless. The three musketeers - handmade, jewelry, and custom - often add up to one word: expensive. But that's not always true.

My fine selection of artisan jewelry is produced by me from the molecular level using eco-friendly, reclaimed precious metals that I process and refine myself. Where else can you find a handmade precious metal jewelry item starting at $10? If there are several items with features you want combined or modified then a quick email gets it started.

We have been conditioned to buy, consume, discard, and keep up with the Joneses. It can fuel or start a shopping addiction regardless of your financial situation. Buying more will not satisfy it, only buying less. Start with a piece of jewelry that will last a lifetime. You will doubly reward yourself in the process.

Posted by M: July 2, 2020

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