Categories: Jewelry; Information and Instruction
Fusion turns hydrogen into helium. All the stars in the universe begin their life this way.
Eventually they will run out of hydrogen so they start fusing helium into heavier elements
and on and on. The stars change color, emit a different radiation spectrum, and grow as they
churn through the periodic table.
When a star begins to make iron, its days are numbered. Our sun will last a billion years or
more at which point it will balloon into a huge fireball, engulfing the inner planets
before KAPOW! It is in those microseconds during and after the explosion that all the elements beyond iron
are created. Massive star explosions can be seen across the universe
as their mass is expelled into space.
All of the precious metals in my jewelry were originally made in the core of an exploding star. Their amazing
journey through space and time is only eclipsed by the seeming unlikelihood that we can find these
elements in our planet at all, much less in concentrations or "veins" that allow us
to mine them.
Humans are children of the stars, too. While astrologists try to interpret the influence of stars and
planets on our love lives and other facets of our existence, even the stalwarts must recognize
that we are affected in some capacity.
It's not a religion to be believed but a fact to be respected.
Naysayers doubt the predictability of our actions and thoughts based on the stars...only because
someone hasn't figured it out yet! And it may remain a mystery eternally but whimsical happenstance
and psychics are not going to rule my life.
Follow the cycles of animals' reproductive and migration patterns and tell me with a straight face
they are not controlled by the sun, moon, the earth's electromagnetic fields, and other
forces. Just because we've lost touch with our animal instincts and connection
with nature doesn't mean we are immune to their influences.
Look at what the moon does to our oceans. We are 70% water so it does something to us whether we
realize it or not. The sun is the solar system's keeper; it gives us life so it is responsible for
everything in one way or another. All substances quantifiably react to outside influences, i.e.
what happens in the "universe." We are only beginning to learn about the deeper meaning
of dark matter, quantum physics, and more.
Regardless, I will continue making my
socially responsible,
Not only is it made from the dust of stars but since I refine it myself using
scrap and recycled
metals, it is literally made
from the atomic level in my shop, free from conflict and loaded with
positive energy.
Pure silver is the most reflective metal on the planet so it certainly shines
like a star!
Come see the difference.
Posted by M: March 20, 2020
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